Saturday, March 21, 2015

A pause for a song

So here, finally, is the song I used to work on my fingerpicking skills. There are tons of different patterns and such for fingerpicking, and the one I used I got from my book. It looks a little something like this:

Basically how interpreting this works is similar to chord diagrams: the number indicates the fret you hold, moving linear-ly down the staff. So you basically place a chord like normal but instead of strumming you do the plucking pattern. This particular pattern also implements another technique my book taught me called a pinch:
It's basically just plucking two strings at once.
So the song I did is called This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt, and it's a favorite of mine. I found it through a podcast I listen to and, though admittedly the original version is somewhat country-sounding, it's a pretty haunting song. The lyrics are beautiful, and the fingerpicking pattern I used for my amateur rendition of it really brings that out. So anyway, here's that.

dat face doe
My singing is rather nonexistent because I was trying to avoid plucking the wrong strings or placing the chord wrong or making sure I pinched right, so here's a link to the lyrics if you want them, because I really do love them.
(You'll find I used a minor censorship which is an achievement for me, and I wish I could say I came up with it but I stole it from my friend when she performed this song at a camp talent show this past summer.)
Actually, here's a link to the video of her performance, she probably won't mind, she's the biggest sweetheart and she performed on guitar. This video actually gives a great demonstration of fingerpicking on a different instrument, showing the different patterns and sounds you can get. 
So yeah, here's me fingerpicking, expect more practice videos of different techniques as I prep for the TED talk!


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