Friday, March 27, 2015

A Reflection

So, I've presented, I'm done, I went home on Wednesday, put my ukulele aside, and gave my piano some much needed attention. I feel great. Not about the presentation itself, but just that it's over. I think, presentation-wise, I did alright. Personally, I felt like I was relying on my notecards a little too much, but that might have just been me being paranoid.
This was one of my first presentations where I actually wasn't too ecstatic about my script. That's a lie, there have been plenty where I haven't loved my script. But for some reason, with this one, I just wasn't feeling it. When I was actually onstage, I felt a little better because I'm comfortable talking and presenting in front of people. I'm also really good at acting confident and like I know what I'm doing, so there's actually a high possibility that I tricked myself into thinking I had a good script when I really didn't. I don't know, the grades will tell.
Something I was actually really nervous about was my powerpoint. I don't know why, but I was scared that I wouldn't have the "right" stuff on it, or that I wouldn't have enough, so I finally just gave up on worrying and just stuck stuff on there and hoped for the best. I actually came to like my powerpoint. I had fun making jokes about myself and including pictures. That picture of me from Young Frankenstein is priceless. Special thanks to Bob Raines for always making me look good. Also, any time I get to poke fun at my brother is a good time. I got some laughs throughout the presentation, which is a good thing, so I was happy about that.
As for the project itself, like I said in my presentation, I didn't get as far as I had hoped. Sometimes when I play ukulele, it doesn't really sound right, if that makes any sense. It might just be me, I don't know. I still mess up on some things, and it took me F O R E V E R to get a half-decent take of a song to be able to post it. I'm definitely going to continue working at this like I am at all of my instruments.
If I take a step back and look at it and consider that I've taught myself everything I know about ukulele- along with piano and guitar - I've come a really long way, and I'm proud of myself. I can make music come out of a piece of wood. (It's a really pretty piece of wood, I actually love my ukulele so much. It's a really nice ukulele.) I've learned a whole lot of chords, I figured out how to strum properly, and basically everything, really. When I got my ukulele in December, I was quite literally at square one.
I said in my presentation that I picked the song I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie because I've performed it on ukulele before. I use the term "performed" loosely. I rewatched the video a few weeks ago, when I was thinking of what song to play, and oh my god, it was painful. I put this here with the hopes that you will not speak of it to me ever.

(This is from my camp's talent show this past summer)

Like okay that STRUMMING oh my god I can't handle it just look at my hand l o o k a t m y h a n d
(And yes, Mohammad, that is why my hand was doing the thing)

But yeah, that's why I did that song in my presentation. It really shows how far I've come in my skills, how much I've learned and improved. It's a great before and after between this and my presentation.
Which brings me to me actually singing in front of people during a presentation. 
I was literally so ready and excited for it, and then literally mid-strum I was like "oh my god wait I'm doing this I'm actually playing in front of classmates and teachers oh my god wait I'm supposed to sing sometime aren't I start singing" and I went on this sort of autopilot where I was just kind of saying words and moving my fingers and my mindset was basically ohmygoddon'tmessupdon'tfreakingmessup
I still love performing and I'm really comfortable in front of people, but when a grade depends on it it's just a little more worrying. 

So basically, I'm rambling a lot, but this was a really great experience for me, and I'm excited to keep learning more and keep expanding my musical skills. 
I'm honestly probably going to reflect a little more here, because I'm thinking of putting together a little blooper thing of my vlog because oh my god there are some gems in there. So yeah, keep posted.

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