Sunday, March 22, 2015

We're talkin bout practice (post 4 (I think?))

So frankly I'm so out of whack with extra posts and scheduling but I think this counts as my official post 4.
So I've been practicing lately for my presentation and trying to figure out what would be best for my presentation, if I should even play live for my presentation (because god knows how much could go wrong that way holy wow), and a bunch of other things. I've gotten sooooo much better at strumming like wow it makes me happy. I still falter a bit when I actually attempt to throw singing into the mix, but that is a goal that I've set to try and overcome. It's a lot of coordination and your brain is working on a lot of things at once, but I've gotten better.
So I picked a song for this week to practice that has a pretty distinct strumming pattern and chords that for the most part I feel comfortable with. One chord that's been giving me t o n s of trouble lately is E.

It's an awkward finger placement and I've been struggling with it a lot, and of course it's in this song like six times. So I found a video from my old uke buddy about how to hold this chord, because it's one that a lot of people struggle with.

This was nice because it gave me a way of looking at the chord that I hadn't before. I'd previously just been holding down the three consecutive dots with three fingers, but in this video, he suggests making it a bar chord. A bar chord is basically when you use one finger to hold down multiple strings at once, and they kinda suck butt. I r e a l l y don't like bar chords. However, I also really don't like E chord. so I tried it, and discovered that that strategy has its own number of issues. He talks about how you need your ring finger to be able to bend backwards, and mine can sorta do that, but not enough to hold down the three strings I need without holding the other one. So I figured I could pull it off better with my original method than this method, though I've been doing finger exercises to be able to pull off this particular bar chord.
So basically if anything sounds really wonky in this video, it's probably E chord. 

I'm excited to present, and I'm still trying to figure out how best to incorporate actual ukulele into my presentation. I definitely want to use it live because it'll be cool, and I just really like being able to show off my ukulele in school. 
I think I know what song I'm going to be doing, however, and it'll be good because I've performed that song in the past on a ukulele. Granted, it was a different kind of ukulele, but it's still a good before and after. And god, was I bad before.
So wish me luck as I work on and finalize my presentation!

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